A Haiku Photographers Journey 3 : The Day Before October

bright colours falling // in harmony robin sings // summer takes a rest

I have not been out for days now, because although my legs are healing after my trip down the stairs last Thursday, they still feel sort of bruised, or maybe sore is a better word.

However, yesterday I received a copy of my latest Ginko Book yesterday ‘Brick Lane to Weavers Field’, which I am really pleased with, and will write about in more detail in a couple of weeks time.

So I have a need to go out today, which is to post copies out to people.

I took the turnip photograph last October at Waterhills, and use it today, the day before the 1st of October. Soon it will be hallowean night, then Guy Fawkes will be burned all over the land again, before we start to get ready for Christmas once more.

If you have any thoughts or ideas about haiku and/or haiku photography please let me know by commenting below. I would love to read them

Click here to watch the talk about Jack Kerouac’s haiku

In a haiku world a ginko is a walk through nature observing

and as I ginko I make images of the things I notice

I then write a haiku in a moment as a response the images I make, that makes me stop to think

Finally I blog here about what the image and haiku make me think about

© Stewart Wall 2022

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