many roofs of red
the love once shared eternal
forgetting the warmth
I have been spending too long indoors recently and today as I prepared to wash the dishes the rain stopped and the grey skies turned blue. I grabbed the Fuji X100V and headed out. I wandered around Caistor, stopping to talk to people I know and ended up in the churchyard and started to make images. I was about to head home when I glanced over and saw this tree, standing alone in a landscape where branches are piercing the air once more without cover. I walked back to have a closer look.
In the real landscape the leaves on the tree are a deeper red and the grass greener after days of rain, but in post production engaged with my inner landscape and created the image as a visual representation of how I felt about the tree and its red leaves. The leaves on the tree appeared gentle, and fragile as they clung on to life, a lighter red seemed more appropriate than the fiery red they were. Whatever their tonality I saw them as a roof looking over and after the many memorials to past lives that laid out below them.
As I walked I thought of some text written by John Muir, that I had read on social media earlier in the day. I listened and heard the breeze flickering through the trees. Muir wrote about his farm as somewhere to shelter from storms, but being in nature being his real home.
“Little, however, is to be learned in confused, hurried tourist trips, spending only a poor noisy hour in a branded grove with a guide.
You should go looking and listening alone on long walks through the wild forests and groves in all the seasons of the year.”
—John Muir
I read the above on social media. I stopped to read it again and something about it really resonated with me. I am not sure what it is yet, but there is something in the words that will change how I work. I want to find out more about Muir.

- Forget Everything You’ve Learned About Photography and Just Shoot
- The Snowdrop Finale
- Test post
- Abstracts of Whatton Photobook
- Ginko009: Bristol Paintworks in May
In a haiku world a ginko is a walk through nature observing
and as I ginko I make images of the things I notice
I then write a haiku in a moment as a response the images I make, that makes me stop to think
Finally I blog here about what the image and haiku make me think about
© Stewart Wall 2022
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