I pulled up in Ashby-de-la Zouch and in my mirror

caught in my mirror
pink lady dragging her bag
the waste of others

Shona and I spent a couple of hours in nearby Ashby-de-la Zouch yesterday creating images for a Ginko photobook and preparing a future workshop.
The town has a real feeling of community about it, which was evidenced in this image which is a photograph of a member of the towns Rotary club which who were out in force doing their weekly Monday litter pick to tidy the place after the weekend. I got out to talk to her for a while.
Shaking the collection bag

When I take a photograph that really interests me I often write a little haiku. I write them in three lines of 5/7/5 syllables. They do not have to rhyme, they do not have to describe the photograph, they are simply what the image led me to write. I only allow myself 60 seconds to write it. It is about being in the moment of seeing the photograph, just as my photographs are made in the moment of seeing.

In a haiku world a ginko is a walk through nature observing

and as I ginko I make images of the things I notice

I then write a haiku in a moment as a response the images I make, that makes me stop to think

Finally I blog here about what the image and haiku make me think about

© Stewart Wall 2022

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