Annabel McCourt in her studio space on the Grimsby Fish Dock October 22nd on Heritage Day ©Wall,2022

theatre of heat
large industry turns to art
human mind explores

Before we left the heritage day on the docks Shona and I called in to say hello to local artist Annabel McCourt who told us she had just been to São Paulo in Brazil to create origonal work, build new networks and reach new audiences whilst exploring culture from Brazil, all supported by the British Council. I asked how a girl from Grismby got to be flown out to Brazil but her attention was drawn by others coming into her studio space on the dock including another local artist Terry Clark.
As I listened to Annabel talk I thought back to my first studio space in the 1980s which was a room in a massive redundant factory in Chelmsford that was one home for RHP who made ball bearings for Spitfires in the war. Today, with new technologies replacing the need for human labour, many say that with the loss of industries like fishing and factories to employ humans the creative arts could become much bigger employer of human time. Last week I watched a talk hosted by the Royal Society of Arts that explored the wellbeing impact of a universal basic income that could help make that happen.
Annabel McCourt in her studio space on the Grimsby Fish Dock October 22nd on Heritage Day ©Wall,2022
Annabel McCourt talks to Terry Clarke at her studio space on the Grimsby Fish Dock October 22nd on Heritage Day ©Wall,2022
Annabel McCourt in her studio space on the Grimsby Fish Dock October 22nd on Heritage Day ©Wall,2022

I really enjoy being a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts as they do so much good for humanity. If you would like to watch the interview click here

When I take a photograph that really interests me I often write a little haiku. I write them in three lines of 5/7/5 syllables. They do not have to rhyme, they do not have to describe the photograph, they are simply what the image led me to write. I only allow myself 60 seconds to write it. It is about being in the moment of seeing the photograph, just as my photographs are made in the moment of seeing.

In a haiku world a ginko is a walk through nature observing

and as I ginko I make images of the things I notice

I then write a haiku in a moment as a response the images I make, that makes me stop to think

Finally I blog here about what the image and haiku make me think about

© Stewart Wall 2022

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