From my Window : Shot with the Leica 12-60 on a Lumix G9

Autumn Equinox : A trip down the stairs to darkness

frehsness green gives way
the timely journey of loss
soon we will burn guy

This year (2022) the Autumn Equinox (AE) occured sometime (depending where you are) between yesterday and today, maybe at around 1am ish this morning. I was planning on going out with my camera this morning to photograph my home town of Caistor as we start the journey into Autumn, but after falling down the stairs yesterday morning I am struggling to walk so will no doubt be confined to home. Fortunately I did not have to go to another AE (accident and emergency) and I hope rest will see my legs recover. As I fell, I realised that now I am in the autumn of my life my reactions are not what they were, and all I can recall is a moment where everything went black as I fell and I thought my time to leave the planet of the living was upon us. The pain of my legs hitting the lower step and the sight of my head flying towards a chest of draws at the botton led me scream out and that led me to opening my eyes. I think the darkness was simply because I had closed them

I read a lot of blog posts about the Autumn Equinox, including a marvellous one by Ellissa Bain who wrote about the spiritual meaning of the Autumn Equinox. You can read it by clicking here

When I was young and lived in the wilderness of rural farming at this time we would begin to collect the wood from my playground which was called Blakes Wood in Essex to build a bonfire so on November 5th we could burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes. Click here to read about Blakes Wood

You can see how close Blakes Wood was to where we lived in the photograph above. I was very aware of the seasons back then because I lived outdoors most days, it was a lovely childhood. I found the photograph on an estate agents listing (click here to see the listing) where it was recently marketted for £1.4 million. It has been developed a lot since the 1970s.

I have a photograph somewhere of me standing in the doorway as a child. The fields behind the house when I lived there were all apple trees, which was what the Bremners who owned the farm grew. There house is just out of shot on the left and in between is what looks like an ornamental garden now, but when we lived there my father grew most of our annual need for vegatables in that area

In a haiku world a ginko is a walk through nature observing

and as I ginko I make images of the things I notice

I then write a haiku in a moment as a response the images I make, that makes me stop to think

Finally I blog here about what the image and haiku make me think about

© Stewart Wall, September 23rd 2022