a life spent fishing
sea rods casting from warm sand
fed for happy life
By the Coast : Fraisthorpe
I came across this happy band of fishermen when Shona and I camped at Fraisthorpe with the Leeds DA of the Camping and Caravan Club. The Leeds DA make two long what the club called termporary holidays sites, and over the years we have joined them many times. On this occassion we only stayed two nights.
We did not swop names with the men, I am not sure why but we had a great time chatting to them for an hour or so. The chap with the smile was in his mid fifties and pretty much retired from managing a multi million pound delivery sector of a big company. He told me his rod only cost him £12 but he had caught fish from the beach, he enjoyed fishing and called the others in the background the experts, we spoke to them as well. I put the image onto the Leeds DA group on Facebook and it proved popular. I think the smiling fisherman is popular with other members
Click here to go to the Leeds DA wesite
© Stewart Wall, August 27th 2022
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